The Commercial Partners Module User Guide

Getting going.

Navigate to the partners module using the left navigation menu.

The partners module.

The partners module enables you to administrate details for your commercial partners. Commercial partners can be customers, raw material suppliers, outsourced processors, service suppliers, or combinations of those roles.

The partners module

Add a new commercial partner.

You can enter the name and role of each of your commercial partners using this form.

Partners can be any kind of commercial partner

The partner profile.

When you enter a new commercial partner, you’ll be redirected to the partner profile. The partner profile is very similar to the company profile for your own facility.

You'll be redirected to the partner profile when you add a new commercial partner

Update the site details you your commercial partner.

You can update the site address for your partner from the partner profile.

Record the address of your commercial partner

Adding attachments for your commercial partners.

Any type of attachment associated with your commercial partner can be uploaded here and associated with their facility.

In much the same way as for your own facility’s company profile, you may wish to upload certificates and approval documents with expiration dates specified – or you may wish to upload attachments that will remain valid indefinitely. In either case, simply use the ‘new attachment’ form to upload new documents/files/certificates.

Use the 'new attachment' form to upload a new attachment

Attachments will be listed here.

In the example, the Fairtrade certificate expiring 22/10/23 has been deactivated, and a new certificate expiring 22/10/24 has been uploaded by uploading it as a new attachment.

An alternative would be to edit the attachment record for the expired certificate – removing the existing attachment and uploading the re-issued certificate in its place. If you wish to maintain a historic record of deactivated attachments, it’s best to upload re-issued certificates as new attachments using the form on the left of the screen and change the status of the expired certificate.

Attachments for your commercial partners will be listed here

Adding key contacts for your commercial partner.

For each of your commercial partners, you can administrate key contact details here.

In each case, you can record the name, job title, email address, and phone number(s) for the key contacts for your commercial partners. 

Use the 'new partner contact' form to add key contacts for your commercial partners

Key contacts for your commercial partner will be listed here.

Administrating your commercial partners’ key contacts in a centralised record means that anyone in your organisation (with access to the partners module) will have a single point of reference when they need to find contact details.

Your commercial partner contacts will be listed here

Updating contact details.

You can update or remove contacts by clicking edit on the contact record.

You can edit or remove contacts for your commercial partners

Manage all of your commercial partners.

As you add your partners, they’ll all be listed here – and grouped according to the commercial role they play. In the example, service suppliers, raw material suppliers, and customers are listed together.

You can indicate whether you have an active relationship with each of your commercial partners by clicking edit on the right of the list. By default, all commercial partners begin as active, but you can deactivate partner relationships here – and deactivated commercial partners will remain as historical records for reference.

All of your commercial partners are listed in a central register

Make it your own.

Use the partners module to administrate all of your commercial partners – from raw material suppliers through customers.

To get the most out of this, simply make sure all users who needs access have been given the appropriate permissions from account settings.