Transform The Way Your Business Operates

Our integrated systems remove operational and management challenges, putting real-time visibility, communication, and control at your fingertips.

The systems are specially designed for food manufacturers, directly targeting operational and managerial challenges – enabling your team to work faster and better.

Management systems for food manufacturers.

Document version management with change control.

Incident management, including customer complaints.

Project and teams management.

Customer and supplier management.

Your digital transformation is only a few clicks away.

Your digital transformation is only a few clicks away. You don’t need to talk to sales. You don’t need to go through a lengthy onboarding process. Just register for a free trial, add your users, and you can use the management software straight away.

Software for food manufacturers

Upgrade you systems today.

Excellent quality processes take advantage of automations – so you can get to the outcomes you need quicker and more reliably, with compliance falling into place as a seamless result.

Integrated systems allow you to interact directly with your quality management system – bringing visibility and control to cross-functional activities.

Cloud delivery makes it possible for you to access and control everything – whether you’re at your desk, on the factory floor, or on the train coming back from a supplier’s factory.

Integrated management systems

Upgrade you systems.

We offer integrated management systems designed to automate assurance processes as far as possible, with functional systems connected so that your quality management system works like clockwork.

When you progress a controlled document to a new revision, your quality manual will automatically update to reflect the new version.

When an incident is recorded, an investigation record is automatically created – with corrective and preventative action plans generated for an unlimited number of contributing factors. Delegated actions are integrated into a project manager, for unrivalled management control.

Controlled Documents

Users can access the active version of all documents in your quality manual, even if they don’t have access to make changes to controlled documents – and you can customise access if you wish.

Individuals, departments, and teams can manage projects, tasks, and investigations for collaborative or individual accountabilities.

You can consistently administrate documents and key contacts for your own site, as well as your customers and suppliers.

Upgrade your systems today, and use our management systems as a multiplier for your operational processes.

Incidents and Nonconformance Management

Management software

What You Get

Exceptional dashboards for every user, department, and action.

Project management with real time visibility and task delegation across departments and/or individuals.

Customisable departments and teams with dashboards for each, showing the schedule of projects, investigations, and actions for that department.

Document control with change management, enabling feedback and approval from specific individuals.

Customer and supplier records, with the facility to attach approval documents and administrate key contacts – with integrated change log.

An internal messaging system for each department and team.

Incidents management for all unplanned occurrences including customer complaints, with investigations and responsive actions integrated into the project management system.

A company profile, for effortless administration of your site contacts and accreditations.

We understand how important it is for people to be able to easily interact with your quality management system, so we’ve invested heavily into the user experience delivered by our software for food manufacturers. Digital systems are most effective when people engage with them proactively – so we’ve gone out of our way to make sure the user interface is easy and intuitive.

You’ll almost certainly find the systems so easy to use that training really isn’t needed. That said, you can rely on our support if you should need it, and you can reference the user guide at any time.

Integrated management systems

One account is all you need for your site.

You can create as many users as your business needs, and you get access to all functions.

Your account will be set up and ready to go as soon as you register – so as soon as you’ve added your users, you can take full advantage of the connectivity and performance benefits. Your account will even come pre-populated with departments and teams we think you’ll find useful – but you can customise by adding your own, too.

All systems and functions are included. We don’t split the service into modules for subscription purposes – but it’s useful to think of certain systems as modular, so that’s how they’re presented in the user interface.

A single subscription is all you need for unrestricted use for a facility/site.

Self-register into a free trial, and in a matter of seconds you can take full advantage of our integrated management systems.

There’s no setup or onboarding required. Right from the first time you log on, the systems are preconfigured to deliver instant functionality. Just add your users, and you’re good to go.

Transform managerial capability by connecting all your users with your site’s integrated quality systems.

A comprehensive package

A single subscription is all you need for unrestricted use for a facility/site.

We believe pricing structures that scale according to use discourage people from making full use of systems.

If a business incurs extra costs when its employees engage with its quality systems, that’s a clear disincentive against proactive engagement. We have deliberately chosen not to introduce a conflict of interest by offering a flat pricing structure. There are no hidden costs, so you can use the systems with confidence.

Accessible Pricing

Everything you need.

One account is all you need for your site. You can create as many users as your business needs, and you get access to all functions.

If you have more than one site, each site will need its own account.

You don’t need to choose whether monthly or annual payment would be best for your business at this stage.

Every registration starts with a free trial – so you can be completely satisfied that the systems are a fit for your needs with zero risk or commitment.

Start Your Free Trial

zero risk

See For Yourself.

There’s no need to enter payment details to start your free trial. Simply register your food business, and you can explore the systems at your own pace.

Once your site is registered, you’ll be able to add as many users as your company needs.

In a matter of seconds, you can have access to the full range of systems and capabilities offered on the platform.​

For your assurance

Every registration starts with a free trial.

So you can be completely satisfied that the systems are a fit for your needs with zero risk or commitment.

Almost every alternative software provider splits their service into modules, and charges incrementally more based on the number of user licences. Even more frustratingly, you can’t even find out their prices without going through their sales department. We have been intentionally transparent – because we believe it’s what’s best for the customer.

While alternative providers have chosen not to publish their prices publicly, we are aware of competing services banded at 5X-20X the rates we offer. We have deliberately structured our operating model to make management software accessible to all food manufacturers, because effective systems deliver the greatest benefit when more people are empowered to engage with them.

Being able to self-register into a free trial with no commitment means that you can be absolutely satisfied that the systems will add value to your business – and you don’t even need to enter your payment details to get started.

All systems and functions are included in one centralised management system for your site. Connect everyone in your business with your quality management system, so your people and operations are directly aligned with your assurance and managerial processes.

Controlled document management

Join Today

In a matter of seconds, you can have access to the full range of systems and capabilities offered on the platform.