Keeping Your Site Informed

Stay informed of updates and developments throughout the industry.

Stay Up To Date

Enter your details here, and you’ll receive an email as evidence that you have acted to ensure that your site is informed of and reviews:

• scientific and technical developments.
• industry codes of practice.
• new risks to authenticity of raw materials.
• Relevant legislation.

1.1.8 Keeping your site informed

Informational Resources

Staying abreast of scientific and technical developments, industry codes of practice, new risks to authenticity of raw materials, and all relevant legislation.

Every food manufacturer has an obligation to stay informed of updates and developments throughout the industry.

Food Industry Hub isn’t directly aligned with any particular assurance scheme, but we’ve used the requirements of clause 1.1.8 of The BRCGS Food Standard as a basis for resources to include here.
If your site operates to The BRCGS Food Standard, the email you receive as a result of submitting the form at the top of this page can be used as evidence of compliance with clause 1.1.8.

This is a free service, presented as an extension of The Food Industry Hub Mail Service.

When you submit the form on this page, you will also be added to The Food Industry Hub Mail Service – so you’ll get the added benefit of receiving regular updates with content and service offerings.

Please note, the resources shown on this page are specifically intended to enable food manufacturers to meet their obligation to enact systems to keep their sites informed of, and review, scientific and technical developments, industry codes of practice, new risks to authenticity of raw materials, and all relevant legislation.

You can access a much larger collection of food industry resources through The Food Industry Hub Signposting Service.

Comply with information and review requirements for your site
Food industry updates and developments for food manufacturers

Produce Evidence of Compliance

Clause 1.1.8 of The BRCGS Food Standard states,

“The company’s senior management shall have a system in place to ensure that the site is kept informed of and reviews:

    • scientific and technical developments
    • industry codes of practice
    • new risks to authenticity of raw materials
    • all relevant legislation in the country where the product will be sold (where known).”

Many food manufacturers find it challenging to produce documented evidence of compliance at audit, because it can be hard to prove that informational resources have been accessed. Horizon scanning and information review may not seem to be an activity that lends itself to the generation of evidence or records that will satisfy an auditor.

Food Industry Hub offers a free solution. Simply fill in the form on this page, and you’ll receive an email listing all of the informational resources shown on this page – along with an explanation that the email is sent automatically (and only) as a result of the form submission. In this way, the email you receive can be used as objective evidence that you visited this page and took action to ensure your site is well-informed of industry developments.

We’ll also send you regular prompts to return and review for any new changes, and you can use the form to generate evidence that you’ve accesses the resources at whatever frequency fits the risk profile of your business.